RAPITA: Dios    RA= nacimiento   PITA=  Dios    o    APITA=  Dios; i.e. RA(A)PITA  
1) un cemi o espiritu malefico.
los Indios llamaman asi a los Espanoles
YACANA-GUA-NOMOCON: forma usada en Puerto Rico para el Ser Supremo
YAYA: Taino's supreme being , as per Pane "no one knew his name". Tainos believed
that god is in heaven and is immortaal and that no one can see it and that it has
a mother, but no beginning
As per Stevens-Arroyo "the inability to know the name is equivalent to stating
YAYAEL: el hijo de YAYA.  YA=  causa primera de la vida, espiritu, esencia
  EL=  hijo de...
uno de los titulos dado al Ser Supremo, Dios.   YO=  ?    BANA=  grandeza
YOBANA-GUAMAMONA: as per Oviedo, la Divinidad principal.  Hay motivo para creer que
GUAMAMONA indica la feminidad de la deidad; i.e.=
YOBANA=  Ser Supremo, Dios
  GUAMA=   Senor, Senora
  MONA=  la Luna, que era uno de los nombres dados a ATABEY, la madre de Dios
GUAMA=  Senor    IQUINA=  unico
   I= art. “el”    QUINA=  unico
GUAMIQUINA indica masculino
YOCAHU-GUAMA-MAOCOROTI: Ser supremo en Haiti (i.e. Hispaniola)
YUCAHU: Dios, Ser Supremo, hijo de ATABEY.   YUCA=   plant   HU=  espiritu
  the Yucahu  cemi with its wide-open mouth, large eye suckets, powerful flexed frog legs, prominent growth bulb reaching up, make a harmoniously balance physical representation of an all powerful emblematic spiritual entity. The being depicted could be part human, part animal or something entirely other; and something entirely other best describes a majestic protectorer of the Taino people.
  Yucahu lives in the Sun.
  Yucahu was the giver of manioc.
Transformations that occur in Taino mythology:
  1) Yayael turned into fish
  2) children turned into frogs (TONAs)
  3) part of Deminan's body turned into a female turtle that in turn becomes the
    the procreatrex of children; i.e. the Taino people
  4) Macocael turned into stone
  5) people turned into trees (called JOBO)
  6) CAHUBABA  turned into a bird that is called GUANI
  7) asexual beings turned into women by INRIRI, a bird (woodpecker)
  8) the spirit of the dead (OPIAs) turned into bats at night
[  nombre  de  caciques  ]
Principal provinces were under a control of a cacique, who controlled in turn many lesser caciques a
(as a rule each village seems to have had a chieftain).  The principal cacique appears to have been"rex inter pares"... Caciques were leaders and advisers and had political and social power.
Names were given in a ceremony that occurred immediately after birth.  Such names as Heavenly,
Highness, Bright One, were some given to the chiefs, whom it was customary to address by all their titles.Dice Angleria: "Cuando le nace prole a algun reyezuelo, concurren los comarcanos y entran en lahabitacion de la reina.  Este saluda a la criatura con un nombre, aquel con otro. 'Salve, lampara brillante',aquel; 'domador de enemigos' otro; quien 'nieto de un heroe esforzado', quien 'mas brillante que el oro'".  Outside their realm (domain) the caciques were also known by the name of the village or region where they ruled.
ACANOREX: acique de St. Dom.   ACANA=  n. de arbol    EX=  de...
AGUEYBANA:  n. de cacique en P.R. 
A=  prefijo generalizador  GUEY=  aljibe, manatial    BANA=  gran lugar
AMAMON: n. de cacique en P.R.       AMA=  agua, rio      MON=  por BON?
ANACACUYA: n. de un cacique en Sto. Dom.   ANA=  flor, lo mejor  CACUYA=  cacao
ANACAONA: n. de cacique en Hispaniola,  su hermana fue cacia de MAGUANA
  ANA=  lo mejor  CAONA=  oro
ARAMANA: n. de cacique en P.R.   ARA=  color rojo   MANA=  mancha
ARASIBO: n. de cacique en P.R.
  ARA=  color rojo  CIBA=  piedra   O=  sufijo que indica lugar donde existe...
  la palabra podria ser: ARECIBO; i.e. ARI= rio CIB(A)= piedra O=  abundancia
ATAGUANA: n. de un familiar del cacique Anacaona
  ATA=  primero    GUANA=    ?
BARACOYCA: n. de cacique de Curasao     BARA=  mar   COYCA=   ?



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