In the Tainan cultural sphere of influence Atabey was also the Moon Goddess, the largest ball court complex at Capa, P.R. was most likely dedicated to her, since it has the largest number o petroglys in one single area representing her. |
* There is a ball court in the Middle Caicos that shows an aligment with the rising and setting position of Betelguese (one of the stars of Orion). The main alignment of this court conforms with the rising and setting sun on the summer solscite. The Taino believe that
the Sun rised on top of the world, i.e. our North
** In the St. Croix ball court ATABEY is represented on the stone wall. This ball court corresponds to period 1200-1500. |
En el Centro Ceremonial de Utuado, P.R. hay dos grandes bloques liticos situados contiguamente representando uno a MAQUETAURIE GUAYABA y otro a una lechuza MUCARO.
The ceremonial centre at CAPA has the largest number of petroglific stone blocks, must of them representing ATABEY. This area of P.R. is where the Mona Passage and Vieques Sound zones of influence come together; i.e. Capa is situated in the land border of these two areas and therefore is the perfect spot for rival ball games to take place. Ceremonial bateys complexes are generally located on putative boundaries of chiefdoms. |
Ball courts began to be constructed in P.R. during 600-1200 A.D. Ball belts of stone were used in P.R. during 1200 A.D. ]
BATO or BATU: ball, game |
[ pelota, juego ] |
thunther |
[ trueno ] |
sea [ mar ] |
BAY: |
suffix that denotes; house, dwelling |
[ sufijo que denota, casa, morada ] |
small skirt |
[ sayuela, son sinonimos NAGUA y GUAYUCO ] |
[ cueva, gruta, caverna ] |
BI: |
alive, life; small, beginning |
[ vivo, vida; pequeno; principio ] |
woman, small being |
[ mujer, ser pequeno ] |
BIBIJAGUA: n. of a small insect |
[ n. de un insecto pequeno BIBI= superlativo de pequeno JAGUA= n. de arbol ] |
1) n. of an island in the Bahamas |
2) n. given to Florida |
[ 1) n. de isla en las Bahamas. BI: vida (life) MINI= fuente (fountain); |
i.e. Fuente de la Juventud ( Fountain of Youth) |
2) nombre dado a la Florida ] |
BIRI, QUIRI, TIRI: it seems to indicate minor, small |
[ parece indicar menor, pequeño; e.g.= |
NI-BIRI: hijo segundo o menor |
GUA-TIBIRI: n. de ave (el pitirre) |
MAJUBIA-TIBIRI: n. de cacique de Hispaniola |
GUA-TIBERE: n. de un pez pequeño |
BITIRI: n. de riachuelo afluente del Nipe, Cuba |
BAYA-QUITIRI: n. de cacicazgo en Cuba al este de Guantanamo |
BAYA-TIQUIRI: variacion del nombre de arriba (Las Casas lo uso) |
BAI-TIQUIRI " " " " " |
BAY-QUIRI: " " " " " |
DAI-QUIRI: n. de minas en Oriente, Cuba ] |
BO: |
high |
[ alto; cosa alta, elevada ] |
BOA: |
house (as per P. Martyr) |
[ casa ] |
old man |
[ hombre viejo, anciano ] |
BOHIO or BOIO: house, home |
[ casa, hogar (house, home) BO: alto HIO or IO= lugar ] |
BOI: |
serpent [ serpiente ] |
work [ trabajo ] |
good spirit |
[ espiritu bueno MA-BUYA= espiritu malo, i.e. MA= no + BUYA ] |
CA/KA: |
1) attributive preffix 2) place where there is... 3) soil 4) hole |
[ 1) prefijo atributivo 2) el lugar donde se encuentran, donde hay, lo que existe o aparece en... 3) suelo, tierra 4) hoyo, hueco |
e.g. CACIBA= cueva CA= donde hay CIBA= piedra |
CACIMBA= oquedad en el terreno, hueco |
GUACA= hoyo, cueva GUA= art. el |
CA= hoyo ] |
to care |
[ importar, interesar ] |
king, chief, etc |
[ principe, rey, jefe, etc |
KA= prefijo atributivo |
ISIKE o ISIKA= dirigir; i.e. ISI: cabeza KE/ KA: con ; ergo (con cabeza) |
i.e. el que encabeza, el que dirige ] |
eyes [ ojos ] |
reward |
[ 1) conjunto de cuentecillas agujereadas, con las cuales ensartandolas se hacen adornos y collares. El agujero en la cuentecilla tiene un ojo; i.e. CACO= ojo |
2) salario o jornal . CACO= ojo (O)NA= amarillo, gold |
3) segun Las Casas "galardon". ] |
n. of a lizzard |
[ n. de la lagartija en Puerto Rico ] |
n. of the female shark (the male is called TIBURON) |
[ n. de la hembra del tiburon ] |
CAN: |
big, a lot |
[ grande, excesivo, lo mucho ] |
a variaty of the palm tree |
[ una variedad de palma ] |
oar |
[ paleta o remo para dar movimiento a la CANOA, se hacia de la palma CANA ] |
clay vessel |
[ vasija de barro ] |
river and hills |
[ rio y lomas ] |
1) circular house |
[ 1) bohio en forma circular, redonda CAN(A)+EY |
2) por analogia, al recodo de un rio cuando es redondo ] |
n. of a bend in the Orinoco delta |
[ nombre de un brazo del delta del Orinoco ] |
canoa |
1) canoa |
2) abrevadero domestico |
gold |
[ oro CA= el lugar donde se encuentra, donde hay, hueco ONA= amarillo ] |