good    [ bueno ]
CARACOLI, CARACORIE, CARACURI: el GUANIN que los Indios se colgaban de la nariz
KOROKORI was the Arawak word for gold
CORUCURI was the Arawak word for bronze
man  [ hombre]
n. of an Indian group in the Antilles
[  n. de un grupo Indio en las Antillas
aices y palabras asociadas con el n. CARIBE:
CANAIBA=  another name for CARIB
if this name was used by the Tainos, it could be: CAN=  lo mucho  AIBA=  malo
CANIBA=  another name for CARIB;  i.e.  people of the manioca clan
CANIBI= segun A. Vespucci era el casabi
CANIMA= another name for CARIB,  people of the manioca clan
CARI=  hombre
CARICARI=  Carib name that means falcon
CARIACO=  another name for CARIB
CARIB=  name given to this tribe in Hispaniola,  the name given to them in the Bahamas was CANIBA
CARIBA=  region in South America home of the Carib Indians.  Las Guayanas
CARIB  +   BA=  donde estan ...
CARIBANA=    region en  So. Am. Home of the Carib Indians.  Las Guayanas
CARIB  +  BANA=  gran lugar
CARIBATA=  another name for CARIB;  large land (in the continent) of infinite extent of  the CANIBA or CARIB
KALINA=  name Caribs called themselves.
KALINANGO=  the way that the male Caribs of the Lesser Antilles used to refer to them-selves.  KALINA and the honorific suffix  GO  ]
CASABE o CASABI:  yuca bread  [ pan de yuca]
cave, cavern
[ cueva, gruta, caverna ]
la mas fina harina de yuca
river, a prefix used in the name of  many  rivers.   e.g. CAUTO
[ rio ]
mithological mountain
[ montana mitologica de los Tainos, se encontraba en la region llamada CAUNABA ]
key, small island
[ cayo, isleta de arena ]
reef; by analogy, bridge
[ arrecife o islita, puente de tierra. CAY= isleta   CU=  altar ; por analogia, puente ]
key with soil
[ cayo de tierra ]
small canoa
[ canoa  pequena   CAYA=  n. de arbol    UCO=  pequeño, menor  ]
The cemi spirits allied themselves with specific caciques as long as they received the apropriate propitiation.
The cemies were often treated as if they were persons of rank.  The chronicles report that a cemi was placed on a seat, or DUHO, alongside a cacique.  (as per Stevens Arroyo's Cave of the Jagua, pg. 61).
Three-pointed cemis have been found in the Malambo culture of northen Colombia (lower Magadalena valley), in the Valencia culture of north-central Venezuela and in Curacao and and in northwestern Venezuela. At one point in time Arawak tribes used to live in these areas, there are still many geographical Arawakan names along the coast of Colombia  and Venezuela;
e.g. ARUBA (isla en el Caribe)  ARU/ARO=  nubes  BA=  sufijo verbalizador, donde se encuentran...
COQUIBACOA  (cabo en la peninsula GUAJIRA, Colombia)
COQUI=  n. de una rana    BA=  donde hay     COA=  cabo, punta  
HICACOS   (punta/cabo en Venezuela); n. de un arbusto que abunda en las costasy terrenos arenosos; la semilla tiene la forma de un ojo
HI=  art. el  CACO= ojo
MALAMBO  (Colombia)...............................n. de un arbol
MARACAYBO (golfo en Venezuela)   MARA= mar   CAY=  isla   (A)BO=  abundancia
MARA=  variacion del Taino BARA y del Paraujano PARA
Venezuela quiere decir Venecia pequena, Maracaibo probablemente queria decir mar lleno de islas, o sea una ciudad llena de islas como Venecia. Los Espanoles encontraron los Indios viviendo en muchas casas (BARBACOA) construidas en la superficie del agua, arriba de troncos de arboles. Estas aldeas asi construidas semejaban islotes.
PARAGUA  (punta/cabo en Venezuela.  PARA=  mar  GUA=  de, del PARAGUANA  (peninsula en Venezuela)..PARA=  mar   GUANA= lagarto
For the Tainos the cemis:
had magic power, were inhabited by a spirit and occupied a central place in Taino rituals of fertility, healing, divination and the cult of ancestors. They served as ancestral memorials, they were used for protection from ill omens; and they were integrated into various rituals. The Tainos had puberty rites, and there are ritual deflowering stones (very graphic penises). In other cultures an instrument is inserted in the vagina by the shaman to rupture the hymen and enablepenetration by the penis. It is possible that the Tainos observed this practice in the puberty ritual initiating young girls into sexual activity.
Cemis were central to Taino religion and believes. They served as sacred mediums allowing the power of the numinous to flow from the spirit world out into human experience and from human need into the cosmos. (as per Stevens Arroyo)
Cemies were vehicles for spirits to enter.
Los Tainos llamaban TOALI al cemi de tres puntas (as per L. Hernandez Aquino); i.e.
TOA=  teta   LI= ?  (la parte superior de este cemi semeja una teta)
FETISH fits the functioning definition of the CEMI;  according to the 2001 The New Oxford American Dictionary "an inanimate object worship for its supposed magical powers or because it is considered to be inhabited by a spirit".
Cemis were status symbols and items of ritual paraphernalia.  They were emblems of prestige and wealth implicit to regal authority and were used in important ceremonial occasions.
Cemis were carved out of stone, wood, shell and bone.
jewel  [ joya, gala  (dice Bachiller);  see also TAO, YARI, COAI ]
head   [ cabeza y tal vez redondo ]
n. of Indian tribe and cultural society
Ciboney stone balls are simple spheres, some as large as a billiard ball and others as small as a 1-2 cm in diameter. They have been found in child burials in which the size and age of the child correlates with the size of the accompanying balls (in other words, the older the child, the bigger the ball)... as per R. Dacal Moure & M. Rivero de la Calle.  Art and Arachaelogy of Pre-Columbian Cuba.  (page 35).
Ciboney Cayo Redondo estaban asentados por todo el territorio cubano, pero con mayor concentracion en las tierras bajas de la costa sur de Camaguey  y areas aledanas a la desembocadura del rio Cauto y en la parte noroeste de la costa haitiana, bahia de Fort Liberte.



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